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For developers utilizing a scheduler, the primary task typically involves the design and implementation of processes. In ppacer those processes are called DAGs which is short for directed acyclic graphs. In context of data structures DAGs are just a subgroup of graphs with particular properties, but in context of schedulers we mean rather the process which is expressed as directed acyclic graph of tasks, including information about its schedule and other metadata.


In ppacer, a Task is defined via an interface, which is structured as follows:

type TaskContext struct {
Context context.Context
Logger *slog.Logger
DagRun RunInfo
type Task interface {
Id() string
Execute(TaskContext) error

Basically any type which implements method Id(), to return task identifier and Execute(...) to execute the task body is treated as Task. As we can see method Execute accepts TaskContext and via this parameter task body has access to DAG run information, like execution time, task logger and more. Task returns error. When Execute method returns non-nil error, then task is treated by the scheduler as failed.

One of simplest and useless Task implementation might looks like the following:

type emptyTask struct {
taskId string
func (et emptyTask) Id() string { return et.taskId }
func (et emptyTask) Execute(_ dag.TaskContext) error { return nil }

Defined emptyTask task does nothing but finishes immediately, always without an error.


Before delving into DAGs, let’s discuss another key abstraction: dag.Node. One can say it’s implementation detail but it might be handy later and it’s good to know about this concept. In the last chapter we learned about dag.Task interface to represent generic tasks, but tasks aren’t enough to define graph structure of dependencies between tasks. For this reason dag.Node exists.

type Node struct {
Task Task
Children []*Node

As we can see it’s a simple recursive data structure to represent single node in a DAG, which has a Task and pointers to children nodes. Most of the API is designed to work with Task, but sometimes it’s more convenient to use *Node.


DAGs in ppacer are defined via dag.Dag (docs) objects. It contains information about

  • Id - DAG identifier
  • Root - a pointer to the root of Task graph via *dag.Node
  • Schedule - a schedule for this DAG runs
  • Attr - additional attributes

You can use a fluent API to construct a new dag.Dag instance. For instance, a simple example would appear as follows:

start := dag.NewNode(emptyTask{taskId: "start"})
mockDag := dag.New(dag.Id("mock")).
AddAttributes(dag.Attr{CatchUp: True}).

The example above doesn’t include a schedule. In this case run of this DAG can be triggered manually. More about schedules can be found in Schedules.

Usually a DAG of tasks can become pretty complex with rather high number of tasks in complicated shapes. We can easily split creating tasks graph and defining dag.Dag in separate functions.

func linkedList(prefix string, n int) *dag.Node {
s := dag.NewNode(emptyTask{taskId: prefix})
prev := s
for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
taskId := fmt.Sprintf("step_%s_%d", prefix, i)
task := emptyTask{taskId: taskId}
prev = prev.NextTask(task)
return s
func mockDagTasks() *dag.Node {
start := dag.NewNode(emptyTask{taskId: "start"})
llPath1Start := linkedList("path1", 5)
llPath2Start := linkedList("path2", 3)
llPath3Start := linkedList("path3", 4)
return start
func createMockDag() dag.Dag {
return dag.New(dag.Id("mock")).AddRoot(mockDagTasks()).Done()

In the example above we defined a function linkedList which creates a linked list out of emptyTask and returns pointer to its start (head). Next we’ve used that function, to create more complex graph of tasks, starting with start empty task and attaching to it three independent linked lists of emptyTasks. That function also returns pointer to the start node. Finally we have another function which returns a new DAG and as tasks entry point it uses start task from the previous function.

DAGs registry

Consider the DAGs registry as a comprehensive collection of DAGs, functioning as a repository for all DAGs in your application. In Go it’s represented as type Registry map[Id]Dag. Object dag.Registry is one of the main inputs for DagWatcher and TaskScheduler. DAGs from there are synced with the database on ppacer startup.

It’s up to you how you want to build your dag.Registry. In the simplest case you can just instantiate dag.Registry in the main function and add your DAGs there. You could have a single function which gathers all DAGs definitions and returns dag.Registry. Another example is you could have package-level variable for the registry and multiple packages on init() would append DAGs definition in that object. It doesn’t really matter how you create the registry, the only thing important is having it defined before you initialize the Scheduler.

Tests and validations for DAGs

A fundamental test for your DAGs is to ensure that the task graph indeed forms a directed acyclic graph. Given that you have a function which builds your registry, you can do it like this

func TestDagsIsValid(t *testing.T) {
dags := buildDagsRegistry()
for id, dag := range dags {
if !dag.IsValid() {
t.Errorf("DAG %s is not a valid DAG", string(id))

Please don’t stop on this test. Given that dag.Dag is a regular Go structure, you can use standard Go testing techniques.
